Monday, September 6, 2010

Marital Fidelity Continued.....

Well, we made a decent stir-fry with garden remnants. We cheated and used onions from the store, but the nearly gone to flower broccoli, a handful of halved brussel sprouts, slivered carrots, and slices of the outer 1/3 of the mondo zucchini tasted great with a little soy and sirachi sauce. We ate it cross-legged on the coffee table watching Hitchcock's Rear Window. I thought of it while writing the last post. He had to dig out an honest-to-God VCR -DCR to our niece who calls the new technology format deeveedeevees. He had to run down to WalMart for a replace mt cord since the plugs on The DVD player are different on the DVD end.

It was like date night back when we had no money and he would come over to my apartment with groceries and a tape he usually recorded off air. We would munch on something experimental, some good some inedible as we fast forwarded through those eighties used car pitch-men waving their arms comically at 16x.

Sometimes we watched the movie Sometimes we fooled around instead. We did a little of both tonight.

We almost got busted. Him with his pants down around his ankles, me with my lips down around the base of his shaft. Remaining fledgling returned to the nest earlier than expected. We hopped off to the bedroom and finished.

Lest I completely lose my readership here, I should mention that whilst riding him cowgirl-style, I pulled up and off, repositioned and wriggled back down onto him. It took him a little to register that he was snugged into my "Dark Passage" (I thought that maybe was a hitchcock film but I couldnt find a reference so maybe I made it up in my mind.)

You could see the look of recognition of the kink and his up thrusts from beneath were with the frenzy of the joy of the "new thing" or at least the "seldom offered" thing. I've been on a kick about that lately and it seemed I should share that with him. (Not sharing that I have BEEN on a butt-sex kick, but rather share some of said delight with him.)


  1. I doubt that you will lose your followers, but speaking for a lot of followers I don't know you were missed.
