Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Audience Participation

I am experimenting with posting from my phone by email. So here goes.

Hey you! Show me some love.

I couldn't have made it easier.

I made anonymous posts available so boss/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend will never know about your baser desires.

There's is a liked it / hated it buttons on the bottom of each post for the textually uncertain.

My email is available..(patient there please..thats kind of a deluge, but so far I've answered everybody.)

What I would like for comments on this post is a question?ask it, I'll answer..(probably). Email those questions in too...Got one today about girl-girl experiences so that will probably be a post of its own.



  1. Do you typically wear skirts or pants?
    Do you still wear panties?

  2. Skirts more than pants..panties if I haven't lost them somewhere..:)

  3. What's going on with your early bird, anything new coming up? BTW, I did look for your email, didn't see a link

  4. Marjorie, cool post. i won't fill up your email luv, i'm sure it's full full full. did u ever ever think you'd be such a popular girl on the internet?? what would hubby think? guys (maybe girls too) are getting just so excited thinking about you you you. me too too too. girl/girl? maybe i'll just die of excitement now since i probably will anyway after i read that post... love love love (and lust why not) sweettie

  5. Go ahead and email Sweetie, Im pretty caught up...had a couple of questions for you anyway..:)
