Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh, MY! Jim loved my choice of sexy for the day.

Yesterday. The 4" black stiletto heels were preselected. I opted for "none of the above" in external slut gear. He heartily approved of my choice of high-cut pink lacy panties with its matching bra. (I am all about matchy-matchy lately, hubby has even noticed and commented, and seemed to wonder about that.)

Wait, my perceptive ask, "If you weren't going to post the menu here and even if he stopped by unless he has X-ray specs, how could he possibly know what you were wearing?"

No I didn't email him the details. I just told him flat out when he asked. In person.


A handsome guy wandered up.(Well he reads this, if I call him fugly I'll hurt his feelings! j/k!). He was wearing a contractor badge and had that you look familiar look on his face. I thought maybe copy machine guy or maybe the contractors that were in a couple of months back on the cafeteria expansion. Dressed kind of like them, blue dress-style shirt but more durable? Tan khakis.

"Marge.." he opened with, "How have you been?" right there with my cubbie bunnies peeking a look which they dropped and back to work when I shot them 'the look'. I still didn't immediately think Jim when he strode up confidently. (Later he admitted he was dry-mouthed, heavily rehearsed and thinking this was a BAD IDEA).

Holding our his fairly soft hand he shook and said, "Jim....You probably don't remember me, I used to be in I.T. here and got hired away by a contractor when I tired of fixing your computer crashes?"

"Oh sure I remember you..." ad libbing "You here to see Bill? I remember you guys were always hanging out in your nerdy ways..."(pulled a name out of thin air, and nope, not a glimmer of recognition from the past...we don't think we ever crossed paths before)

"Yep, good old Bill, and Charley and you remember Cindy-Lou-Who right?" Later he admitted to making that up too..couple of improv artists are we.

His back to my little charges who were definitely eaves dropping and noticeably so, he slipped me a note:
What are you wearing?

Oh wow. I felt my modest cream blouse and sensible length skirt just fade from view. It was like that dream when you get to work and look down and realize you are dressed only in your underwear. The date night underwear. Like that.

So I said, "Oh you have to tease Cindy about something..let me give you a note to take to her.." My note said:
Pink panties and a matching bra..wanna see?

"Yeah right!" he said..."Cindy will get a chuckle out of that!"

"Oh wait I forgot..." I stalled. "Here." I added:
Meet me out front by the stairs that come down from the second level. 11:00am sharp.

He stalled deer in the headlights look, pretended to re-read the note, said "hmmm"
set his face a little, deciding and said. "Sure, I'll tell her."

I should have made an excuse to leave right then. I got nothing done for the next two hours and forty three minutes. I was sure that I had a crimson blush the whole times. I imagined I got speculative looks from some of my people, but no one said anything or asked anything..I made up a dozen back stories just waiting for the questions. I even checked my color in a shy metal paperclip holder and seemed normal but felt flush.

I slipped out early when no one seemed to be looking my way. I did the whole grab a bundle of papers and walk fast move as cover. I had to be careful laying them on the bathroom sink while I freshened my make-up. (OK that's a lie I din;t freshen it I slutted it up. Not full evening, or lady of the evening look, but lip liner for a little more pout, three more strokes of mascara then needed and a little smokey smudge at the eye corners...I thought "I got to remember to de-slut when I get back." I didn't but if anyone noticed they didn't say anything.

I realized I couldn't take the papers back so in violation of company policy I took them out of the building in my hand. I had my shoulder bag but it wasn't big enough to put them in without folding them up...silly little details seem to come to me...

Jim pulled up in his car and off we went...

...and then we came back.

I KNOW I am SOOOOO sorry..but he reads this and he's shy and interesting and faithful and well I scribbled something and won't to get it right and he demanded editorial control before posting...tomorrow I promise. But now you know why I was too busy on my lunch hour to post yesterday. I am I forgiven?


  1. Oh, you definitely know how to get a rise out of the reader and then leave him in torment, don't you? What you posted sounds like delicious fun already. Let me lead the chorus in calling for more!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Kevin..I added a post to explain.
