Monday, October 25, 2010

Public Display of Affection...

This little tale dates back a week or so to last Wednesday. Gabe as I mentioned seems to really enjoy the appearance of risk. By that I mean he definately doesnt want to get caught but has kinky fantasies like maybe sneaking me into his marital bed sometime. Aside from the risk of actually getting caught, it hits a little close to home to me and reminds me of the adulturous nature of our coupling and I think I would find that un-sexy.

I had mentioned to him that if its risk he wants we should find a semi-public place where we can find a dark corner to mess around in. He took up the challenge and pre-ran a local attraction that has an aviary. You enter through a chicken wire covered gate into a inner lock that is designed to catch escapees before they take flight to the great beyond. Once inside you can stroll through a pretty good sized area that looks pretty natural. There are trees and paths and benches and bushes and quite of bit of privacy. Mid week it is nearly deserted.

We ducked in this nook and that and made out like furtive teenagers, It was pretty fun. After leading me around the place he presented his find. A bench that was apparently forgotten in the maintenance of the place as the path to where it was is a bit overgrown. It got bypassed at some point. brushing off the leaves and twigs and (ick! well, it is an aviary..) we sat and snuggled. I got felt up a while and felt very much the teenager...

Eventually I straddled him facing him and rode him to a blissfull, subtle orgasm. It was heightened but the sense of daring and I do think I'd like to do something like that again sometime.

Meanwhile on the home front I feel pretty guilty. I tried casually braoaching the subject of the trade with jen and her husband as a hypothetical and was surprised with the fervor with which hubby rejected the idea out of hand. I thought he liked the idea of at least thinking of me with another man. IN theory with a couple is hotter and safer as far as the chance of it intruding into the reality of our marriage. He had (arguably good) reasons for why it was perilous and why it would be detrimental to our marriage. Well damn. I sort of thought I had his approval if not his knowlege. Some time ones desires and fantasies get a bit ahead of reality.

Problem is I am already off and running and he hasn't even left the gate.


  1. Really love your blog.

  2. "...He had (arguably good) reasons for why it was perilous and why it would be detrimental to our marriage..."

    What, pray tell, were his reasons/argument?

  3. Your husband sounds like my wife! I think introducing them to each other would be a great idea, that way we could go play. Personally I think you've done everything except tell him about your past adventures so I guess it comes down to continuing with your extra curricular activities and hope for the best. I wish you the best in your continuing adventures.

  4. I wonder if anyone saw you and just enjoyed the show? That happened to me in a car. But this sounds hot! Sorry hubby isn't on board...maybe he can be reasoned with?

  5. Ocean sailor. I think that would go badly considering they are both hesitant.

    Mistress...not opposed in general to exhibitionism but in this case we had good privacy..

    Annon. Well the obvious concerns of spending that kind of quality time with someone other than ones spouse leads to the possibility of someone deciding to leave. But also its just easier to value the new than deal with older issues. He was concerned that if he encouraged these fantasies of his and mine that it would lead to my devaluing my worth to him and the value of the bond from our intimacy. Once pandora's box is opened how, then to close it again?
