Sunday, May 30, 2010

My husband is a cuckold...

I was reading through posts for typos and not really reading for content you know...

It started to feel like work, and was wondering why I write this stuff down.

The only person I hear from about what I write is Jim and he's already heard details before I write them here. In fact a lot of this blog is cut and paste and clean-up sentances from emails back and forth from him.

He helped me put sitemeter on to show wht he has been telling me about how most people that do read don;t comment either because they don't want what they read to trace back to their everyday life blogs, or maybe they don't think their reaction adds much. I do enjoy reading comments on other blogs and can see Jim's point that it is sort of a community and it takes time to get to know people and make stopping by a part of your day..I didn't start it for that so its fine, but I do find that I, myself, do have a little circuit I travel caching up on favorite blogs...

I wanted to add the little box about who I read, then made it too complicated...

You see I read different blogs depending on the mood I am, horny wise, how I'm feeling about hubby etc etc..

I was thinking there are what I think of as cheating wife (well or husband!) blogs. (Jim says Infidelity blogs would sound more elegant...really??? elegant,,,thats a bit of a stretch).

Other one's are what I think of as cuckold blogs...that to me is where the guy knows about it...and of those there are two subtypes..(can you tell I like biology..been too long to remeber phylumm specie...) anyway....

There are I think happy cuckolds, they seem to get off on being married to a slut..(I think that is what my hubby's blog would be like if he had one and well, if he knew)

There are the not unhappy, but like made small by the cuckolding..(well some of them are small!!! giggle) where they cant satisfy and the are made to be embarrased etc etc...(these guys obviously like to blush...i sort of get that for them, but I tend to like these from the woman's point of view...)

Then there are "hotwife" blogs and "swinger blogs" these seem like the girl is sort of well friendly and the dude is cool with it. Kind of more kinky than pervy..hard to describe..

you see my point its hard to know which blog goes in which category...

Oh and new one for me is sissy blogs..this came up when Jim pointed me to some because of me following through o the whole get hubby in the panties project. I thought trannys..(not sure if thats offense...eek) were gay guys, and like hookers? For straight guys all seemd complicated to me...interesting kind of..

then through the unhappy cuckolds, I read about crossdressing as a humiliation tool...interesting that they seemd mostly straight or sort of bi, but "MAKE ME! (please)"

That interest me.. going to try to put peopel where they belong..if I link your blog and you dont like the label let me know, I can change it drop it or whatever!

Wait Damnit. I wrote the title then went in a whol 'nother direction...

I was thinking wait my hubby isnt really a cuckold, maybe my blog should have like cheater or slut or whatever instead of cuck in the title..

Then I realized...above and beyond the sexual things I've done with guys online over the years..(and yes I think that cheating if you have to hide it its cheating...hmm wait I don;t HAVE to hide it he'd get off on it, but since I do, and its all for me, its cheating....) where was I?

oh above that and my fantasies and my little gentle d=sort of humiliation things I mess with hubby sexually, As soon as I pit that boys cock in my mouth in his car, hubby was cuckolded by him..and yes (I DID HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT BOY) No cigars were harmed though in the act thereof.

I kind of want to hint about cuckolding or somehow give him the greenlight for HIM to hint like he used to about sharing me.

But on the other hand, him not knowing is actually the traditional way that a cuckold was viewed I read somewhere...

And him not knowing is kinky hot...especially not knowing the very thing that would get him off to kow..

So I am fucking over the guy I'm with, my husband by depriving him of the sexual fix of knowing, and well all of you by letting you read about it...

If I could be queen for the day, if he could suddenly know all (like read this blog...NEVER GOING TO DO THAT) and have to admit to me that it turned him on, then maybe watch me act it out with someone, maybe he is tied....shudder....


  1. This is one of the interesting blogs I've read! Thanks for the follow, dear. Please keep reading! As for the comments, I've only had this blog for three or so months..2800 hits, nearly, and a just over 20 comments...

  2. There is a movie called 'Animal Instincts' about a married couple and the husband gets cuckolded by the wife. I watched it with my wife and she got the message and made some positive comments about the movie. It might help send him a HUGE hint and possibly his comments to you may help provide the opening to broach the subject with him. If you can't find the movie let me know.

  3. Beauty..very interesting...that's what Jim says..he has blogged a while himself and says its actually worse for guys about getting comments...I did allow annoymous posts because he says you can always delte the jerks and some shy ones might speak up..(what about it? any shy guys or girls want to leave me a naughty comment?

    Sailor...that movie idea sounds like a great one..will look for it.

