Monday, May 3, 2010

Taking Chances...

One of the thing Jim warned me about was that my hubby has been spying on me online..When Jim answered the ad for someone to seduce me at work, hubby cheerfully told him he knew that I would be "up for it" because for one we talked about me being with another man in bed. (True, although mostly tales of old flames, with the occaisional sprinkle of future fantasy thrown in. The other reason he gave was that he knew I talked dirty to guys online. Also true, but we haven't figured out how much he knows. So, I have laid low.

Thats why I update this blog and check in with Jim (now my pimp) from Starbucks on this old forgotten laptop I keep in my desk at work.

Last night though, I was H-O-R-N-Y and was online in old familiar places trolling for men to play the slut with. It wasn;t something I did a lot of but was a guilty pleasure. My first time "cybering" online was actually from of all things a cribbage game I was playing online where you can talk in a chat window with the person yu are playing with.

Older guy...slyly seductive....we were half into it before I realized "We" were playing. Anyway, last night I was online hoping "John" as I am calling himwas on. He had mentioned that he uses his "crackberry" at worrk but is careful to delete everything and stay away from risky places at home lest his wife get suspicious.

I didn't actually even cyber, but I responded to quite a few Ashley Madison profiles and fooled around on a site I like to go to with forums and stories. Weird think about AM (at least for me) was the surprisingly kinky hot vibe I was feeling at being 'the other woman'. In so called 'Real Life' its always the married guys that are closest to directly hitting on me. Its kind of safer, they can always say, hey J/K! I used to get annoyed. Now for some reason, probably because I'm thinking of cheating myself that adultury in and of itself seems hot. I just thought a married guy would be 'safer' both as in he probably isn't making the rounds to as many skanks and because he has something to lose to.

I found myself getting aroused when one of the pics a guy sent showed this big four-post bed kind of in the background. I found myself wanting to fuck him specifically in his marital bed...or mine...Hmmm , getting too kinky.

I deleted everything, dumped cache, cookies, history and everything else I could think of...I was thinking later how suspicious that looks. I need to be more careful


  1. If you use Firefox as a browser and I think even IE 8 you can select 'Private Browsing' and nothing is saved or recorded on your PC. I know, I use it all the time.

  2. Using the marital bed huh, kinky indeed. Following up on the advice above, I actually use "clear on exit" in firefox, and the great thing about that is that you can set a time limit, ie, just clear the last hour, the last 4 hours, etc

    So you still have some history in there and it won't look so suspicious

  3. Oh I like that option a lot...cause no history does stick out like a sore thumb..I always wonder when hubby does that...I have come to find out it is usually because he was snooping on me and visiting where I had visited..which in and of it self presents possibilities.
