Thursday, July 1, 2010

Groping for a Title.

I have no intention of making this blog political...I cannot believe the coincidence of the last post followed by this one, but I had been thinking about this all day yesterday. I had what I thought were great points all written out in my head and now its kinda gone. I'll try to get the basics of my thoughts down on paper. (so to speak)

OK, this is not a Clinton-Gore thing at all although you kind of have to wonder if there is a correlation. I mean did Clinton while interviewing potential Vice Presidential candidates get the "fellow horn dog vibe" from Algore, or did Algore absorb some of his bosses' bad habits? I am inclined to think that men in power / famous men tend to get a lot of opportunities so it tends to make them self indulgent.

I cannot believe how many people are so quick to point out the length of time that elapsed as some kind of proof that the woman accusing Al Gore is making it up. Victims can and do take a while to come foward, gather their courage etc.

Her timing in re-pursuing this could well be that she suspects she knows Al & Tipper Gore's marriage is on the rocks.

Cynically I did consider the money angle a bit, sure she is trying to cash in and I wonder if the slow economy has made her like a lot of people a little more willing to compromise principles for money. But we can't know.

Her not wanting to be drug through the mud (as she is being) could explain a lot of hesitancy. (Paula Jones? Linda Tripp?) These are not nice men when they are embarrassed. I can;t wait to hear James Carvel call this (54ish?)-year old woman "some young tramp"...or imply that her proffession is nothing but hooker cover or some such.

I don't go for that whole "healing-crystals-shockra" stuff (and I have no idea if she is in that genre, but got that impression). A lot of sincere people do have holistic ideas about massage. (me- I like a good back rub!)

Now the point of my post as this incident relates to my Blog. I left out that the asshole I fled from on my ill-conceived speed-date was a little handsy. Technichally his hand moving up my thigh, uninvited in a dark booth was assault. No means no. Trying it a second and then a third time wasn't cute persistance.

Now, would I go to the police with this? No. Not only because of course I'd need to explain to hubby what I was doing in a bar with a strange man, but because it comes with the territory with men. Shouldn't. But does.

Her doing her job is slightlyt different. Harder to be firm without being rude and losing a tip.

It's a power thing. She has none. Al GOre had all the power. First as the Customer. Second as a stronger mammal. Ans Third because he is AL FREEKIN GORE. Yo9u know Nobel prize winner? (DON'T get me started) Acadamy Award Winner (REALLY???!?) and Former VP. Not to mention rich enough and with enough lawyers to bury you.

A million? Yeah. What would it cost you if you felt you had to drop off the face of the earth for the rest of your life or live with not saying something and hearing later that Al Gore didn't get the help he desparately needs and he HURTS someone?

Like that is totally unlikely right?

One word for politician in a panic making poor choice with a woman resulting in harm.


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