Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jim gives a clue.....

Jim has warned me about going online from work, even from my own laptop. My cellphone is internet so-called capable, but its a PIA to use so I don't generally except checking email. (Both my "real" email and my super secret one. I don't use my super secret one much from there for fear that I will forget to clear everything and the title alone would raise eyebrows if hubby saw...)

OH! that reminds me a girl at work caught her hubby with a SECOND cellphone and so, obviously he is busted....people t work were talking about that some seemd to be a little too aware for the idea which made me wonder about a few people, that ws interesting to think about. One guy mentioned a (chip?) or something where you can have two cellphones in one? sounded worth looking into, don;t really want to ask the guy about it or he would of course wonder about me...hmm or maybe asking might be a pretty subtle way of announcing, hey, I mess me get a secret phone and I'll give you my number..;))

Off track, here. Jim has a smarty phone of some sort. he is online just about anytime I am...I asked him about it, does wifey suspect, isn't he risking getting busted at work, (that's when he said he was on his phone on the web) I assumed he was only online that way from work.

The other day he lost his phone, and was worried he hadn't cleared everything and maybe his fucks-like-a-pornstar-wifey would find it first. It stayed lost for like 3 days. The second day I realized that he was still online during work hours more often than just on breaks. I very cleverly deduced that he has some way of avoiding the I.T. Weanies snooping on him.

It took a while but I then connected the dots...he IS an I.T. Weanie! Now this place is huge but the I.T. department is a pretty small part of it. I looked in the directory and there is like maybe 15 guys. Ive met several of them who seem to find reasons to climb under my desk when do something to my computer and they mostly seem pretty young. Jim is like my age so??? Process of elimination.

I triumphantly told him that I had practically unmasked him and proudly told him what I had figured out. He asked me not to pursue this..(What? The worst I was going to do was approach each member of the department in turn and offer a BJ, the one that turns me down in loyalty to wifey would be Jim! ~kidding~ well, kinda.)

He gave me a bunch of what if's and finally came out with it. He doesn't actually work for the same company I do. That floored me...he knew all the right lingo, described things that you almost had to be here to know, and then there was the comment he made about my sexy red shoes being a little iffy for work...

At first I thought he has to be psychic or just lying about not working there because there was no frigging way!

He admitted that he actually did work her for quite a while, was in fact an I.T. Weinie, but got hired away by someone that had contracts with some of our equipment. Like outsourcing without the fun accent.

He explained that that was why he answered my hubbie's "hit on my hotwife" ad. Since it mentioned the company, he could picture all the people there in his mind and wondered what it would be like if it turned out to be someone he already knew from when he worked there. Would it be someone he had 'noticed'? Would it be a complete shock? So he played along with Hubby, to try to get hubby to give more information. When hubby quit responding he wasn't sure if Hubby had found someone else or got busted, or lost interest...(I think Hubby thought I suspected, but I really didn;t who would its too weird)

What about the shoes??? He admitted that after we had kind of hit it off, he made an excuse to visit a friend who works here and sort of "got lo9st" wandering on purpose through my area. (OOO my own personal stalker I teased.)

He said he just wanted to see, and he was sorry and , yada yada ..I told him I was flattered and intrigued and he could stalk me anytime...I mean hell, he helped me set up the blog, reads it all comments to me, makes kinky suggestions...sort of actually fucking me, he is pretty much issued an all-access pass. (P.S. if you ever feel the need to stray Jim, you definitely DO have all access..wink wink.. - wait did I say that out loud?? ~Sorry about causing you some Catholic guilt...~ No I'm not!)

So I got him to agree that sometime next week he will stop by. He wouldn't promise to say Hi. (Too, nervous, too married, too bad..:))

So I need to get busy planning something slutty to wear for each day of the week to entice him into either taking a chance or at least drooling to give himself away.

We had a very interesting chat about flirting, faithfulness, cheating, pre-planned vs. "just happened" and guilt. I'm going to ask him If I can post it because you can see the little wiggle-room, and why he is careful about the slippery slope.


  1. Great post and brings up some options. You could always buy a "pay as you go" phone and keep it in your desk at work and with voice mail you won't miss much. Another option is using a laptop and wi-fi and Skype. You can get a number from Skype and voice mail, you can even have call forwarding using Skype. You have options just be careful until your ready to let hubby in on everything.

    Keep us posted.

  2. ms. marjorie, great post! what tangled webs we weave when first we practice... and later! what a great scam, come back and look at your shoes and comment on them... have you read Lady Grey about the wonders of the shoe dangle? maybe Mr. Jim is ready to be your little slave boy too! but seriously folks, i wanted to endorse the idea of a pay as you go phone. TMobile, Virgin both have them, very cheap once you buy the phone (yes you buy it outright, no 2 year contract crap) and then you buy the minutes. no muss, no fuss, you're on. untraceable. used by dealers in various fun and illicit substances, and isn't that just so appropriate? love sweettie
