Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Update for today's post

(edit: Jim ~for whom I am on this week-long campaign of slutty attire to lure him out of hiding~ said he loves the sound of the shoes, has a shoe thing himself. I have agreed to wear nothing but them for the rest of the week until he gets a chance to slip into the building to voyeur them)

Good thing classic black pumps go with everything but it does limit my sartorial options. I already can;t reasonably bare midriff in the workplace, less the young sluts on my team outshine me, and well it's just unseemly for a 40+ boss lady. Further the 'one slutty thing at a time" means that the heels and a mini, or the heels and deep decolletage are out as well.

I will have to fall back on the "accidental" slutty signals. Mostly snug fit. Like "OOps is it cold in here of does this unlined bra and thin twin-set sweater not disguise the location of my erect nipples?" The "Oh, dear did the whale tail of my thong show when I bent over in these medium rise jeans?" is a good one but you can't pull it off all day, or you get a crick in your back form bending over all the time. Panty lines are sexy as I understand it from guys despite how hard we try to avoid them. No panty lines when there definitely should be some cause consternation as well. Camel toe is hard to pull off in the office, especially except on casual Fridays and I usually wear jeans and ones tight enough for that are hard to sit down in.

I've thought about it and decided I will not be posting my attire here for Jim to see lest he merely wait till my lunchtime furtive post and choose to stop by (or not) only AFTER he has seen the menu. I am damned sexy in anything and he will take what he gets when he finally deigns to lower himself to peep at me. So there!


  1. I think you should take a daily picture or 5 of the outfit, including the dressing/undressing and post at the end of the week :-)

  2. Naw..I think pics are little more risky than I need for that don't-get-caught thrill.
