Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Around the World. In a Pickup Truck.

There was a line in a Garth Brook like that...It didn't hit me until one day singing along to the radiop that it could be a sexual reference. I thought back at the time to when or where I had hear "Around the World" as a description for doing "everything" in a sexualy tryst. At least that's what I think it means...

So I did today....this deserves more time than I have at the moment to tell, so I'm going to add to this tonight if I can sneak on...

Gotta get back to work..i'm late


  1. Oh, you are such a wicked, wicked tease ...

  2. I remember 'around the world' referring to the act of the woman being spun globe-like around the man's South Pole!

  3. The way it was explained to me..(by whom and under what circumstances i cannot imagine but you would think I would wouldn't you?) was like this...

    Mysteries of the Orient (Or possibly India Karma Sutra and all that) give you the pleasures of oral sex...

    The exotic Greek Isles give you the pleasures of well, you know Greek....

    And I'm guessing pussy is pussy the world over or there wouldn't be populations some places that seem otherwise pretty inhospitable!

    And, Kevin, you have NO IDEA the lengths I could go to to be a tease....well wait if you are a regular reader perhaps you do..
