Friday, August 13, 2010

Guess the hosery....

This is an interesting game that apparently Derek has been playing all along, and is now kind of a joint exercise....

The other day when I got the thigh highs I also got some sandal-foot pantyhose because I wanted to wear a pair of strappy heels that I haven't worn in a while.

Yesterday, I wore them to work with a rather snug pencil skirt. I was alone with Derek when several people took an afternoon break and caught him looking at my shoes.

"Caught you that time." I remarked. "But you have either lost interest or are getting better at using your peripherals."

He grinned and said, "Oh, I am always noticing."

So what do you think, "Pantyhose or not?," I teased

"I was thinking pantyhose." He said with very little hesitation.

"You been keeping track?"

"Well, since that one day, after I finally got what you meant about not wearing pantyhose I can't help but notice. Like for instance yesterday with the black and then red shoes you were definitely not wearing pantyhose."

"How could you tell?" I said it casually, but I very well knew how..I had worn the bulky garter-belt and a clingy skirt at least at the top of it.

"The straps holding them up kinda showed." He actually blushed a little.

"Well its nice to be noticed, Derek. I kinda hoped though that no one noticed I switched shoes though. I hadn't meant to wear them to work."

"Why not?"

"Not really business appropriate."

"So why did you switch?"

Uh oh....hmmmmm.....well I started this....

I looked him right in the eye and said..."I had a lunch-date, and wanted to look nice."

He thought about that for what seemed like forever and then just. 'Oh.'

I told him that I was embarrassed a little when I realized my mistake. I said since I kind of thought if anyone noticed it would have been him, and that I though about sending him out to my car to fetch the proper pair. He likes responsibility and apparently shoes, so it was a natural fit from an executive standpoint.

He smiled big and said..."You should have, I'd be glad to have gotten them for you. I would have thought you wouldn't embarrass easily though, Mrs ________." He always make me feel like a third grade teacher when he calls me that.

He did a really lousy job of not looking for the rest of the day. Today I wore more sensible shoes and thigh highs. I haven't asked for his guess yet.

Kind of a weird unintended consequence from slutting it up for my date.

I ran into Diana who is sort of the most likely to push the boundaries of business attire and related part of this story, basically just mentioning that I had unintentionally worn some kinky shoes to work (leaving out the lunchtime shoe switcheroo) and that a young guy on my team had noticed them. She immediately said, Oh the red ones? I was aghast! I hadn't even seen Diana that day and she had noticed? Before I could get my head around that, she of course wanted to know who on my team had noticed...she said, "I'll have to wear something outrageous and strut on by. Can't let you have all the fun." That sounds like trouble.

So I asked her about when she had seen them. It was worse than I thought. Apparently, she overheard a couple of the administrative staff girls talking about my choice of shoes. One saying to the other, "I hope I have the guts to wear shoes like that when i am her age!" Diana loved needling me with that comment.

"We should go out sometime after work like old times. I know lots of places you could wear those shoes!" Old times involved a lot of alcohol and Diana displaying ample amounts of her proudly bought and paid for cleavage.

I mentioned Diana's open invitation but not the comment about the shoes to hubby..(Hubby has met her and knows what a wild child she is). He said, "You should were pretty good friends a while back." Is he kidding?? Go to a pick-up bar with Diana? Well perhaps he isn't kidding...

My social calender is getting complicated...

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