Sunday, August 15, 2010

Third port of call....around the world tour.

When last we saw our slutty heroine she was about to wrap her healing lips around the young boys, nearly spent libido, bringing him to new heights...

I p-l-unged my face down impaling his cock to the back of my throat in one motion...he kind of folded up a little in my felt great to take charge of his cock that way...I pulled up and then noticed the taste of latex and something else entirely unpleasant...spermicide I think...

Note to self: flavored condoms next time...

I grabbed the shirt tail of his wife beater and wrapped his stiffened cock in it and toweled off it as best I could...I could still taste it but it was better...a few slurpy mouth thrusts later I managed to drool enough to wash the spermacide off and get a nice dose of warm, slightly salty cock taste...

A shame I couldn't taste myself on it too..I always like that when I have hubby pull out and I lick it all clean...but wait? I smell a little pussy on him...

Note to self: warn him to shower me off his balls before his girlfriend gets home...

On the other hand I lavished a lot of attention on his balls to clean them pretty well and yep, that's definitely me...must have dribbed and drippled down his shaft...I WAS pretty well wet...getting there again giving head....(or he didn't wash after fucking his girlfriend but that's just gross to think about so we shan't think about that then.)

Note to self: Look up why giving head would possibly cause that reaction way down there?

So up and down up and down....a nice FIRM shaft again..clearly ready again...almost forgot the point and took this too far...although I thought I wonder how long before I could have him firm again if I did take a mouthful....balls tightening...better I did.

Youth has its advantages...I had thought him about late 20's early 30's he is 23, come to find out! (Gawp!) Seems wrong on a lot of levels.

I roll on a new condom and tell him to trade me places again...I scootch to the edge of the seat and present myself with my knees held high, lost the shoes at some point and see a small run starting (damn) where I snagged my stocking foot on something....

I guide the tip of his cock to my little pink rosebud...and....

Put of telling you of butt-fuckery until tommorow, or if you are really good, tonight,


  1. I for one can not wait

  2. We both really liked this one, as Melissa has always gotten more pleasure out of giving rather than receiving when it comes to oral. We'll definitely be back to check out the next part of your tale!

    -M and K

  3. m&k love your blog btw....yeah honestly I do like giving better but somehow we are conditioned to not admit that for slutty reasons I think.
