Friday, September 3, 2010

Fraught with Anticipation

So in an effort to accommodate the kinks of three men at once....well not at once, more like in a wardrobe plans for the day In reverse order:

Tonight I will be wearing a jersey material shortish blue dress almost the same color as the one I borrowed from Diana for Karaoke night. Hubby actually went to a local shop on his lunch hour and bought it! I had meant he should pick out something from my existing stash of party dresses, but a new one is always fun. This one is a little longer hitting me comfortably without stretching it a little below mid-thigh. It is avoids the cleavage problem entirely which in a way made it seem almost too modest for what I had in mind. He explained that he thought the dress I borrowed looked great but it was the ill fit he thought I objected to. (yeah that, and having to choose between flashing my underwear or having my boobs spill out...). As I turned it around I noted with approval that this was in fact a dress with possibilities. It had a plunging back. Ordinarily this is probably warn bra-less. Despite my age I can pull that off given lucky genes that left 'em relatively firm, but I remembered I had a so-called 'backless' bra and began digging in my closet for it.

As I dug through old examples of lingerie that was used too seldom or was too theatrical to make it into the rotation we laughed together about some of the pieces. Some looked great on the models, but was ill fitting and cheaply constructed and worn in bed once or twice. I did find the bra and put it aside and continued to dig. I found a white-lace body stocking that I threatened to wear to work tommorow. (Today). He dared me to so of course I sit here crossing and re-crossing my legs trying to find a position where I don't feel a breeze in places usually a little more protected.

Yeah. Its crotchless..and yes I am really wearing it beneath very conservative clothes a modest skirt and a loose fitting top. Bra-less. And yes, of course Derek noticed the patterned stockings on my legs, even commented on it un-prompted. I had been imagining, guiding his hand under my skirt to have him discover the crotchless feature, but that of course was never going to happen. Ever. So don't ask.

But I told him. Awkwardly. He mentioned something like "New stockings?".

"Not Stockings."

"Thigh highs?" "Pantyhose?" etc etc..

Noper, nope and nope...

I finally revealed..."Body suit."  Puzzled look....

Making sure no one else could see I pulled the nexk of my blouse out and down an inch or two to show a peek of the same lace. His eyes widened as did his grin.

"Hot." he opined. "So it covers your whole body?"


He didn't get it and didn't I leaned in and told him,,,"It's crotchless"

He blushed and didn't comment and I felt pervy having brought it up.

I felt a little better when I called Marcus at his office and confirmed out plans. He asked what I was wearing. Not in a pervy phone call breathlessly "what are you wearing" sort of way, ~darn~ but in a how do I spot you sort of way I think. Makes me wonder how many women he fucks as I was left with the idea that maybe he is worried he may have me confused with someone else? Not a concern as I don't need fidelity from guys I am cheating on my husband with. I mean seriously.

I told him a brown suede-looking skirt and a cream top, and added unecessarilly and a full-body stocking.

"Full body?" he asked..

"Well, not full-body since it doesn't cover my pussy." I said..just loudly enough that I wondered if anyone near the almost never used these days bank of three payphones had over heard. Big blush.

He laughed..."Just access to your pussy?" he asked..."I thought I had a date with other portions of you.." reminding me of our talk. apparently it had made an impression.

"Well you could probably stretch it up a bit...might chafe a bit...." I teased.

"I'll bring a knife" he said..."whittle out a little more access...."

"Oh, God, that would be hot."

Bad thing about crotchless panties in general is that you don't have anything there when you are feeling like you are getting wet. I felt drenched after that phone call.

I cannot wait for late afternoon, and then, tonight.

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